2023 Wedding trends - Bridal Expos Australia

2023 Wedding Trends

Well what a year 2022 has been as we’ve all gotten back into the swing of social events and celebrating the love and weddings of family and friends! We’ve noticed some trends emerging and after doing a bit of (well, a lot of!) reading we think the 2023 wedding trends will be…

Full skirts and thigh high slits

We’ll be seeing a trend of wedding gowns with both full skirts and thigh high slits in 2023. Which look stunning! The slit is hidden in the full skirt until they want to pose with their leg in front, leg slightly bent in front or during confident strides while walking.

Mismatched bridesmaid dresses

The trend for bridesmaids to wear the same colour dress but in a different style has become more and more popular. Now imagine this but a few steps further. We’ve seen some predictions for a more mismatched and chic aesthetic to come through in 2023 with bridesmaids wearing all different dresses, from the style, colour and even pattern. We love this one! As well as the look it will give during the ceremony and photos it’ll also enhance the wedding colour pallet and provide more colour options to be used throughout the rest of the wedding décor.


People are becoming more and more eco-conscious, and more couples are taking into consideration the environmental impact their wedding will have. This will lead to more green, eco-friendly wedding elements, such as upcycling selected wedding décor pieces or eco-friendly wedding favours/bonbonniere (with it being something guests will actually continue to use once the wedding is over).

‘80s inspiration

Some fashion commentators are predicting we’ll see wedding dresses with sleeves, layers, thicker material and dramatic detailing. While not the exact look from the ‘80s, ‘80s inspired dresses will be an interesting wedding trend in 2023. If Stranger Things can bring back Kate Bush and Tom Cruise can bring back Top Gun, then anything is possible!

Disposable cameras

Disposable cameras are back! You can now get disposable cameras processed at more places (Google to find somewhere near you, or for a provide to send them to for developing) and they can lead to fun, candid one-off photos as guest capture the celebration. Photo booths, polaroid cameras and 360 cameras will still feature heavily, but disposable cameras will be an added bonus.

We can’t wait to see what the weddings in 2023 will deliver!

If you need help with your wedding planning, visit one of our upcoming expos